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Rising Woman
Introduction: Birth Dance + Confident Birth Mini Course
Start Here: Survey
Course Introduction
Section 1: Developing a Deep Trust in our Body (Shifting to a Positive Perspective of Birth)
Two Types of Fears
Birth as a Natural Process: Foster a Feeling of Safety
The Hormones of Birth (Truly a Labor of Love!)
Interpreting Symptoms/Feelings in Our Body as Signals
Reframe: Shift from Pain to Positive
How birth is part of God's plan for us to have joy:
How Our Experience Can be Transformed For Our Good
2 Minute Feedback Survey:
Section Two: Tapping in to Deep Relaxation for Labor
Introduction: Why Relaxation, Course Goals, and Factors to Consider
Section 2 Layout
Your Relaxation Practice in it's Simplest Form
Surface Level Relaxation vs Deep Conditioning (and First Assignment)
Assignment One Part 2 and Processing What Comes Up
Assignment 2
How to Use this in Labor
Where to go next
Last thoughts: focus on what you DO have (and always end with a positive note)
A Note on Pain - How it May or May NOT Show up in Labor
2 Minute Feedback Survey
Bonus: Core Beliefs
Bonus: What messages our body sends us through emotions and symptoms (plus Resources)
Section Three: Birth Dance
Benefits/ How to Use This in Labor
Birth Dance Video (and Important Notes)
Pelvic/Hip Openers to Prepare for Labor
A note on alignment (standing, walking)
Bonus: Helpful Stretches for Pregnancy
Bonus Section: Deeper Connection to Your Baby and Your Birth
Envision Your Birth: Setting the Scene for Labor
Bonus: What messages our body sends us through emotions and symptoms (plus Resources)
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